6, rue Saint Claude 75003-PARIS France
SAS with a capital of 210.400€ - RSC PARIS 410140818
Publication Director : Eric PERCEVAL
BP 438
75366-PARIS CEDEX 08
All the images on this website have been created using artificial intelligence.
Our websites contain by nature a large number of photos and videos. Some are from the campaigns made by our models, others are made or ordered by our agency, others are provided by the models themselves.
In the case of photos provided by the models, the agency declines any responsibility in the advent of illicit use.
However, we pay special attention to the subject and it is always possible that some may pass between the nets. So if a photo seems contentious or unauthorized for use, please contact us.
The Agency's file is declared to the CNIL (Declaration receipt n°624147).
The website of the Agency is declared to the CNIL (Declaration receipt n°665590).
The Agency's file is not subcontracted and not subject to be leased or sold to third parties.
All of our staff has signed a confidentiality and precautionary agreement in accordance with articles 34 and 35 of the French law of January 6th, 1978 relating to data, files and liberties. As well as articles 32 to 35 of the French regulations on data protection of April 27th, 2016.
You have the right to access and rectify information about you contained in the Agency's file.
To exercise this right or to report any difficulty on the processing of this information:
Contact of the Delegate for Data Protection: dpd@models.fr